Is TV advertising really dead?

How many times have you heard that TV is dead and therefore marketers should get on board the online train to better utilise their resources. It’s true, platforms such as YouTube and Facebook gain a much wider ranged audience than live TV however does that mean that TV is dead? And if so, why is there still so much buzz around television advertising assuming rational marketers will simply put more money in the medium that generates higher viewership from its target consumer.


Noticed that it’s the agencies and companies that are involved with selling social media advertising spaces that are pushing forward this idea. Google recently reported that younger Singaporeans prefer YouTube over TV which will create interest for markers who may have products that are targeted towards its younger audiences. But of course Google will advocate this, they earn advertising revenue from YouTube as it is one of their products. What is even more suspicious is that the methodology used in the report is no where to be found. What does 89% of people visiting YouTube in the past month mean? Actually viewing content or simply visiting the site which is useless for marketers if AdBlock is on anyway.


Ultimately, TV is not as dead as we think it is. Thinkbox released a report in 2016 which found that Live TV is the highest video consumption medium in the UK and not limited to just the UK. Clearly there is still demand for TV. You can argue that TV is a platform that you have playing in the background while you focus on other things which I do agree, however, it would be ignorant to simply conclude that with the rise on the online world, TV advertising is no longer important.


What marketers should take away from this is that don’t simply choose social media as a platform to advertise your product/brand on simply because there’s a shifting trend that the online world is taking over and traditional forms of media such as television and radio is no longer important. Ensure that the medium chosen achieves the marketing objective most effectively as well as its degree in being able to target your particular target segments.

What are your thoughts on TV advertising vs other forms of video playback mediums?




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